Knowing is only HALF the battle.....

Here I am, sitting in Grendel's Coffee Shop, enjoying my second cup of joe. Free of charge! Thank you lovely staff at Grendel's. I should be happy. It's 6 minutes till 10am and I still have not set foot in the office. This is my dream! To wake up early like the rest of the American workforce, but instead of going to work, strolling to my favorite coffee shop and drinking refill after refill of delicious coffee, while shopping for boots online and searching for new DIY trends. What could be more fun!? Right...nothing. Nothing could be more fun.
Unfortunately today is not a complete dream scenario. I find myself sitting here, in Grendel's on Burnside and 8th waiting for my car to be fixed. $195.00 later, shiny new knock sensor pumper thingy, my car will be good as new. $195.00 dollars later. I'll drive away happy?
I'm new to paying for car repairs. I've been fortunate to have a dad that works on things. Unfortunately, the current man in my life is what you call the "new" man. He can't fix anything, but he's aware of this fault and embraces it. MB's husband, my other roommate Peter, is also a "new" man.
Peter and Kim share the same lack of ability to do anything...manly, such as cut the grass, build a fence or fix a car. One thing the New Man can do is research the crap out of anything on the internet. This is an ability I've picked up after spending time in the New man's environment.

In the case of the broken Forester, research may have been a bad idea. What I found online after diagnosing my cars illness is that fixing the problem requires a $50.00 part and 5 minutes under the hood.

Jack Pot! Or so I thought. One component was missing from my 145.00 "Old" man. You see, the New Man would have no idea how to accomplish such a task. WTF! What good is research if you can't do anything with the information you find. Answer me that NEW man! So here I am...$198.00 later. Three cups of coffee and one Knock Sensor part installed and good as new. Sure, I'm not at work planning parties and helping the world go round. Instead, I'm jacked up on caffeine and poor. Happy Thursday:)


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